Program Procedures & Guidelines
Spotlight Procedures
After School: TK and Kinder students will be escorted by staff between their classes and the cafeteria. 1st grade students will be escorted for the first few weeks of school, then will walk over as a group about 5-10 minutes before the bell rings. TK-1st teachers will have a list of students enrolled in classes that day. 2nd through 5th grade students will be responsible to walk to the cafeteria on their own.
***OCD aftercare students in 1st-5th should check in with aftercare FIRST. Students in SACC and Club Farragut will be escorted to and from Spotlight.
Snacks: Please pack an extra snack on Spotlight days. Students are typically hungry after school and the short break before Spotlight classes begin is the perfect time to enjoy their snacks. We do not provide snacks. On popsicle sale days, we will have separate popsicles to sell inside the cafeteria.
After Spotlight Classes: All students will return to the cafeteria after their classes to be picked up or escorted to their aftercare. A parent or guardian must sign them out on the sign-out sheet before leaving. ALL students going to aftercare must go to their designated area and wait to be escorted by staff. (CCARP will send a staff member to walk their kids to Lindberg Park.) PLEASE BE ON TIME FOR PICKUP. If a parent repeatedly arrives late for pickup, penalties will apply. ***If you’d like to to allow your older grade student to walk home, please email Ai AND set their profile status to Self Sign-Out. If you have an emergency and need to get in touch with Spotlight immediately, please call or text 323-413-7408
Canceled Classes: Instructors are responsible for sending a substitute to cover their class should the need arise. In the case of a last minute emergency where a class must be canceled, we will email parents as soon as possible. Aftercare students will be sent directly to aftercare. All others should be picked up at the end of the regular school day. On these rare occasions, if the student is not at their usual pick up place after school, please check the cafeteria patio or ask staff members, as they may still come or be sent to the cafeteria.
Absences or Change of Schedule: If a student will be attending the regular school day but NOT their scheduled Spotlight class, or if there are any changes to aftercare or their regular pick up procedures, please notify Spotlight so the location and safety of the student is always accounted for.
Aftercare: When registering for classes, please make sure you select the correct aftercare option as there are multiple OCD groups, CCARP, Iverbe and YSE. Spotlight and OCD/CCARP/YSE/Iverbe DO NOT share or exchange student information. It is the parent’s responsibility to make sure Spotlight knows which aftercare group to send your child to. If your child changes aftercare, you must change it in the Homeroom profile AND immediately notify Spotlight about the change by email.
*OCD has a waiver you must fill out to release your child to Spotlight as well as to inform them which days they will attend. If you do not turn in this form before Spotlight begins, your child will not be released and they will miss their Spotlight class and no refunds will be allowed. OCD can provide the form or you can download it on the Spotlight website. Please turn in to OCD, NOT Spotlight.
COVID-19 Protocols: Spotlight is fully committed to the health and safety of our instructors and students. Our program will adhere to all LA County Covid-19 Prevention Protocol for TK-12 Schools as well as Farragut/CCUSD guidelines for the foreseeable future. In addition, all Spotlight instructors are required to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19.
Student Code of Conduct and Discipline Procedures
Students must respond to instructors, afterschool aides and their peers in a respectful manner. Appropriate language is expected. Profanity and physical violence will not be tolerated.
Students must remain in assigned area unless given permission to go to the restroom. This includes the cafeteria/patio area before and after classes as well as assigned class location.
Students must respect school property. Vandalism will not be tolerated and parents/guardians will be financially liable for any repairs of property damage caused by the student.
Spotlight Enrichment reserves the right to refuse participation in enrichment classes based on previous behavior issues.
The following discipline procedures* will be followed and enforced by instructors and staff:
First infraction – Verbal warning will be given to student. Parent may be notified depending on severity of the incident.
Second infraction – Written incident report will be filed. Parent will be notified.
Third infraction – Written incident report will be filed. Parent will be notified. Student may be removed from the class at the discretion of the instructor, Spotlight and/or staff.
*Spotlight Enrichment has a zero tolerance policy for physical altercations and violence of any kind. If a student intentionally inflicts or attempts to inflict bodily harm upon another student or an adult, the above discipline procedures may be bypassed completely. This type of behavior will not be tolerated and could result in the immediate removal of the student from the class at the discretion of the instructor.